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  • 中村 滋延
  • Nakamura, Shigenobu, 1950.05.22
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検索結果 Results: 30/156(1Page)
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year 
1 舞踊組曲「ヒミコありて」 Dance Suite “Himiko Arite” synth Stage works 1987
2 ハイパー・ミュージック・シアター ―ライヴ・コンピュータ・ミュージック― Hyper Music Theatre - Live Computer Music - perc(2), sop, cl, synth, computer Stage works, Small ensemble (4-7 players), Electronics 1990
3 組曲「斎王夢語」 Suite “Saiho Fantasy” mix-chor, pf Stage works 1993
4 四大輪廻 Shidai-Rinne sop, synth, elec, computer Stage works, Electronics 1993
5 ソリチュード Solitude sop, elec, computer, video, dancer Stage works, Solo pieces, Electronics 1995
6 風の調べ・息の響き The Tune of the Wind, the Sound of the Breath a-sax, elec, video Stage works, Duos and Trios, Electronics 1995
7 かがみ Kagami tpt, elec, computer Stage works, Small ensemble (4-7 players), Electronics 1996
8 竹響感応 Chikkyo - kan'nou shaku, synth, computer, video Stage works, Small ensemble (4-7 players), Electronics 1996
9 エピタフ Epitaph elec, video Stage works, Electronics 1996
10 Hana - mandara Hana - mandala sop, synth, computer, video, computer graphics Stage works, Small ensemble (4-7 players), Electronics 1996
11 Iki - mandala Iki - mandala a-sax, elec, video Stage works, Duos and Trios, Electronics 1997
12 夢のかけら The Fragments of The Dream sop, synth, video, computer Stage works, Small ensemble (4-7 players), Electronics 1997
13 バレエ音楽「うたかたの」 Ballet Music “Utakata no” tape, lute, vadg, perc, rebec Stage works, Electronics 2001
14 バレエ音楽「はながたみ」 Ballet Music “Hana-gatami” elec Stage works, Electronics 2001
15 シンフォニエッタ1974 Sinfonietta 1974 orch Orchestra 1974
16 ウィンドゥ Window orch(2) Orchestra 1975
17 交響的庭園 Sinfonischer Garten orch, vc Orchestra 1976
18 「Anima」交響曲第1番 “ANIMA” Symphony No.1 orch Orchestra 1978
19 ジェネシス Genesis orch Orchestra 1980
20 ウィングス Wings orch Orchestra 1987
21 交響曲第2番「トーテム」 Symphony No. 2 “Totem” orch Orchestra 1991
22 じしん、そしておやくそく The Earthquake, and a Promise c-chor, orch Orchestra, Choir, Music for children 1996
23 レリーフの回廊(交響曲第3番) Gallery of Reliefs (Symphony No.3) orch Orchestra 2002
24 ラーマヤナ―愛と死(交響曲第4番) Ramayana : Love and Death (Symphony No.4) orch Orchestra 2006
25 6つの哀歌 Six Laments sop, orch Orchestra, Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2011
26 九大百周年祝典序曲 Celebration Overture for Kyushu University's 100th Anniversary orch Orchestra 2012
27 「聖なる旅立ち」交響曲5番 “The Sacred Departure” Symphony No . 5 orch Orchestra 2014
28 室内管弦楽のための「四季のラプソディ」 Rapsodies on Four Seasons for Chamber Orchestra Orchestra 2019
29 交響詩「歴史幻想 たかつき」 Symphonic Poem Histrical Fantasia “Takatsuki” Orchestra 2021
30 ヤントラ Yantra perc, brs Wind orchestra 1990
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year