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検索結果 Results: 30/98(1Page)
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year 
1 Ko-chô Ko-chô sop, sho, koto, so, tsuzumi, dancer Stage works 2008
2 うたかたながし A memorial for the Bubbles bar, tape Stage works, Vocal solo with or without instrument(s), Electronics 2010
3 音/輪 II ReincarnatiOn Ring II sho, iPod with speaker(8) Stage works, Solo pieces, Electronics 2014
4 音/輪 ReincarnatiOn Ring sho(3), iPod with speaker(11) Stage works, Duos and Trios, Electronics 2019
5 晩祷…木霊 Les Vêpres ... Les Echos ryu, hichi, sho, biwa, koto, so, perc, tape Stage works, Small ensemble (4-7 players), Electronics 2020
6 交笙 antiphona sho, iPod with speaker(5) Stage works, Solo pieces 2021
7 琵琶法師と竜 Biwa Hoshi and a Dragon biwa Stage works, Solo pieces 2021
8 鋼の鳥 The Metallic Birds Orchestra 2002
9 音・輪II (笙と管弦楽版) ReincarnatiOn Ring II a for Sho and Orchestra sho, orch Orchestra 2022-2023
10 凍土の山河から From the Frozen Land fl, ob, cl, pf, vn, vc, conductor with side drum Medium ensemble (8-10 players) 2003
11 An Ode to rectangular Winds An Ode to rectangular Winds bar, vn, b-cl, pf Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2005
12 A Digital War Game A Digital War Game perc(2), recorder(2), tape Small ensemble (4-7 players), Electronics 2006
13 Prana Prana fl, vn(2), va, vc, pf Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2011
14 MV MV vn(2), va, vc Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2012
15 MVM MVM vn(2), va, vc Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2012
16 MVM (2013) MVM (2013) fl, vn(2), va, vc, hp, perc Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2013
17 春ぴょん Leaping Movements perc(4) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2014
18 嘉辰 Kashin fl, cl, va, vo, koto, so, pf Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2020
19 幾何学形の風景 Geometric Landscapes fl, pf Duos and Trios 1996 rev.[2016]
20 フォー・ウインドウズ・ウィズ・ライツ(光の窓) Four Windows With Lights hp, sop Duos and Trios, Solo pieces 1997
21 シェーリアクの幻視 The Visions of Sheriak fl, vc, hp Duos and Trios 2002
22 風環 Le circle du souffle sop, hp Duos and Trios 2003
23 mutes meet beats mutes meet beats tpt(2) Duos and Trios 2006
24 The Long and Winding… The Long and Winding… vn, pf Duos and Trios 2008
25 胡蝶の夢 Un rêve du papillon vn, hp Duos and Trios 2008
26 シェーリアクの幻視 II The Visions of Sheriak II fl, va, hp Duos and Trios 2009
27 へんたいどーぶつ Les animaux à métamorphoses vn, vc Duos and Trios 2009
28 Zui-Zui, Zui Zui-Zui, Zui vn, pf Duos and Trios 2010
29 なむとらやーやーとらやーやー Nam Tra Yah Yah, Tora Yah Yah sop, euph, pf Duos and Trios 2010
30 Rui- ka Rui- ka m-sop, pf Duos and Trios 2011
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year