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  • 久留 智之
  • Hisatome, Tomoyuki, 1955.06.27
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検索結果 Results: 30/66(1Page)
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year 
1 ペックの木—ザ ギヴィングツリー— Peck's Tree - The Giving Tree - sop, vn(4), va(3), vc(2), db Stage works 1999
2 歌芝居「ジョアン」 Opera “Joan” bass, bar, ten, c-ten, sop, mix-chor, c-chor, vn(2), va, vc, cl, a-sax, biwa, ryu, koto, so, perc(3), pf, boy soprano Stage works 2008
3 女の平和 Peace by Women nar, sop, chbr-orch, perc, electric keyboard Stage works, Large ensemble (11 or more players) 2010
4 レ・イーゾレ Le Isole orch Orchestra 1989
5 ヴィオール・ヴィオリーノ Viol - Violino vn, orch Orchestra 1990
6 森の思想 Il pensiero del Bosco orch Orchestra 1996
7 擦り音の数寄 The Baroque of Suri-Ne (Rubbing Tones) str-orch Orchestra 2020
8 ストーンズ ヴォイス(改訂版) Stone's Voice (Revision) sop, c-chor, pf, perc(2) Large ensemble (11 or more players), Vocal solo with or without instrument(s), Choir 1994 rev.[2000]
9 石の声 Stone's Voice sop, bar, bass, c-chor, pf, perc(2) Large ensemble (11 or more players), Vocal ensemble, Choir 1994
10 「バジング ニッティング」トロンボーン クワイヤーのための Buzzing Knitting trbn(12) Large ensemble (11 or more players) 2004
11 神遊歌 Kami Asobi Uta shaku(3), shami, biwa, koto, so(8), perc Large ensemble (11 or more players) 2009
12 チャム Cham chbr-orch Large ensemble (11 or more players) 2012
13 チャム II Cham II chbr-orch Large ensemble (11 or more players) 2015
14 スキップ ゲーム Skip Game sop, fl, ob, cl, tpt, euph, perc, kbd(2), vn, gui, pf Large ensemble (11 or more players), Vocal solo with or without instrument(s), Incidental music and miscellaneous works 2021
15 ブリージング フラワーズ Breathing Flowers s-sax(2), trbn(3), hp Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1993
16 エンサラーダ Ensaladas sop, fl, va, nar, tape Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1995
17 悲しくて透明になった音楽—ヒロシマに Music being Transparent with Grief - To Hiroshima vn(2), va, vc Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1995
18 「十三の砂山幻想」民謡発声のための Sand Hill Fantasy of Tosa vo(6), kokyu Small ensemble (4-7 players), Vocal ensemble 2004
19 クラップ スラップ トレンブル Clap, Slap, Tremble fl, ob, cl, balingbings(3) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2005
20 ウォーム ミュージック Warm Music euph(3), tub(3) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2009
21 島の儀式音楽 Ritual Music on Isle tpt, brs(4) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2010
22 管楽狂言「猿神」 Kyogen Music “The Deities of Ape” vo, fl, ob, cl, bn, hn Small ensemble (4-7 players), Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2011
23 竹霊 Bamboo Spirits sax(4) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2013
24 フルーティック・タック Flutick Tack fl, hpd Duos and Trios 1987
25 デュオ(パートII)—オーム貝の歌— Duo (Part II) “Nautilus Song” vn, hp Duos and Trios 1988
26 ソナリ Sonagli perc(3) Duos and Trios 1994
27 山の子のうた Song of Child in the Mountain vo, pf Duos and Trios, Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 1999
28 風の子守歌 Lullaby in the Breeze vo, pf, sho, shaku, sop Duos and Trios, Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2002
29 メリー バクテリア ミュージック Merry Bacteria Music fl, sax, pic Duos and Trios 2002
30 地上にひとつの場所を Un luogo sulla terra vn, fl, gui Duos and Trios 2004
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year