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  • 田口 雅英
  • Taguchi, Motohide, 1971
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検索結果 Results: 19/19(1Page)
タイトル  Title  Genre  Year 
1 戦争の記憶による儀礼的音楽 Ritual on Wartime Memories Large ensemble (11 or more players) 2016
2 ダンス Dance Medium ensemble (8-10 players) 2008
3 交差 Crossing Small ensemble (4-7 players), Electronics 2007
4 クロス—オーヴァーラップ Cross - Overlap Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2010
5 音戯の庭 The Garden with Ritualistic Sounds Duos and Trios 2009
6 ある葬列の追憶—川上音二郎野辺送りに因んで— The recollection of a funeral procession : in connection with the funeral procession of Otojiro Kawakami Duos and Trios 2021
7 犀の角のように Like a Horn of Rhinoceros Solo pieces 2007
8 祭祀儀礼 Ritual for Deification Solo pieces 2009
9 フルートソロの為に For Flute Solo Solo pieces 2009
10 織文様 Woven Patterns Solo pieces 2010
11 トイ・メロディー Toy Melody Solo pieces 2010
12 犀の角のように Like a Rhinoceros’ Horn Solo pieces 2011
13 女宮木 Miyagi : The Women Solo pieces, Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2013
14 3分間の夢想 A Daydream in Three Minutes Solo pieces 2013
15 乱菅垣 Midare Sugagaki Solo pieces 2014
16 ジャスミンの花の為に For Jasmine Flowers Solo pieces 2015
17 悲歌 Hika (A Sad Song) Solo pieces 2021
18 西国三十三所御詠歌 The pilgrimage song of saigoku 33 sacred places Solo pieces 2021
19 音語:ある架空の音風景—マニラにて— Sound Narrative : An Imaginary Soundscape of Manila Electronics 2014
タイトル  Title  Genre  Year