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  • 高嶋 みどり
  • Takashima, Midori, 1954.04.20
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検索結果 Results: 30/83(1Page)
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year 
1 合唱オペラ「青春の十字架」—ロミオとジュリエット Seishun no Jujika - Romeo and Juliet sop, ten, bar, mix-chor, chbr-orch Stage works, Choir 1983
2 室内歌劇「金剛蔵王」 Chamber Opera “The King of Gold” fl, vn, vc, db, perc, koto, so, sop, ten, bar, bass, mix-chor, hayashi(3) Stage works 2009
3 混声合唱によるミュージカル「夢にこだまする」—あるボスザルの物語 Choral musical “Echoing in a dream” - a story of a boss monkey mix-chor, pf Stage works, Choir 2014
4 星の破片(かけ)—夏目 漱石「夢十夜」より「第一話」による二重唱 Piece of the star - Duet by The first episode from  Soseki Natsume’s “Ten Nights' Dream” m-sop, bar, pf Stage works, Vocal ensemble 2019
5 小督—歌絵巻 Story song Kogoh m-sop, ten, pf Stage works 2021
6 Waving Shadows for orchestra Waving Shadows for orchestra tpt, chbr-orch Orchestra 1986
7 音楽ファンタジー「オフィーリアの遺書」 Music Fantasy “Last Will of Ophelia” orch, sop(2), ten Orchestra 1991
8 Baby Universe for orchestra Baby Universe for orchestra fl(2), ob(2), cl(2), bn, hn(4), tpt(3), trbn(2), tub, hp, perc(4), str Orchestra 2008
9 Baby univers for orchestra III Baby Universe for  orchestra III fl(2), pic, ob(2), eng-hr, cl, b-cl, bn(2), dbn, hn(4), tpt(3), trbn(2), tub, timp, perc(3), hp, pf, cel, str Orchestra 2011
10 Baby univers for 15 players Baby Universe for  orchestra fl, vn(2), vc, db, perc(3), va, ob, cl, bn, hn, tpt, trbn Large ensemble (11 or more players) 2010
11 栃木県立佐野東高等学校校歌ブラスバンド版 Tochigi prefectural Sano Higashi senior high school song with brass band mix-chor, fl(2), cl(3), b-cl, s-sax, a-sax, t-sax, b-sax, tpt(2), hn(2), euph, tub, db, timp, cel, vib, glock, mar, perc(3) Large ensemble (11 or more players), Choir
12 二つのパントン 2 Pantons sop, ten, fl, ob, cl, hn, perc, pf, vn(2), va, vc, db Medium ensemble (8-10 players), Vocal ensemble 2002
13 ダスト!ダスト!!ダスト!!!What a great time for cleaning! Dust! Dust!! Dust!!! What a great time for cleaning! fl, ob, cl, hn, perc, pf, vn(2), va, vc, db Medium ensemble (8-10 players) 2002
14 6人のリコーダー奏者のための「二つのバガテル」 2 Bagatellen for 6 recorders recorder(6) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2009
15 でゅえっと—ソプラノとコントラバスのための Duet for Soprano and Double bass. sop, db Duos and Trios 2011
16 想—フルートとコントラバスのための Imagine for Flute and Double bass fl, db Duos and Trios 2018
17 Con sentimento—大伴坂上大嬢と大伴宿邇家持 のうたによる Sentimental duet ; for the waka poems of Otomo no sakanoue no ohiratume and Otomo no Yakamochi m-sop, ten, pf Duos and Trios, Vocal ensemble 2018
18 Entomology Entomology cl, vc, pf Duos and Trios 2020
19 ハムエッグのうた Ham and egg song pf Solo pieces 1986
20 森の妖精が歌った うた A song sung by a forest fairy pf Solo pieces 1988
21 リス君一家のごあいさつ Squirrei Family’s Greetings pf Solo pieces 1994
22 Baby Universe for Piano Baby Universe for piano pf Solo pieces 1994
23 マウイの風 Waft on Maui pf Solo pieces 2002
24 うた Songs vn Solo pieces 2002
25 デッサン帖 波 Drawing book “Wave” m-sop, pf Solo pieces 2017
26 湖畔にて By the lake… hp Solo pieces 2018
27 愛のプロローグ Prologue of love mix-chor, pf Choir 1980
28 かみさまへのてがみ Children's Letters to God m-chor, pf Choir 1982 rev.[1983]
29 キャロルによるカノン Canon of Carols c-chor, pf, kbd(2) Choir 1983
30 青いメッセージ Message in  Blue m-chor, pf Choir 1984
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year