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  • 近藤 浩平
  • Kondo, Kohei, 1965
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検索結果 Results: 30/196(1Page)
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year 
1 Autumn Crocus(犬サフラン) op.1 Autumn Crocus op.1 cel, orch Orchestra 1983-1983
2 甲山に登る Ascent to Mt.Kabuto-Yama op.41 str-orch Orchestra 1998-1998
3 ピアノ協奏曲 op.84 Piano Concerto op.84 pf, orch Orchestra 2005-2006
4 空の放物線 op.95 The Parabora in the Sky op.95 orch Orchestra 2007-2007
5 徳山村の為の哀歌 op.101 Lament for Tokuyama Village op.101 orch Orchestra 2008-2008
6 管弦楽と声の為の協奏曲「青少年の為の管弦楽入門」op.114 Concerto for Orchestra and Voice - The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra - op.114 sop, orch Orchestra 2010-2010
7 ギター協奏曲「旅するギター」 op.131 Guitar Concerto “Traveling with Guitar” op.131 chbr-orch, gui Orchestra 2012-2012
8 地平線と太陽 op.130 The Horizon and the Sun op.130 str-orch Orchestra 2012-2012
9 ヴィオラ協奏曲第2番「渓流の響き」 op.137 Viola Concerto No.2 “Headwaters” op.137 orch, va Orchestra 2013-2013
10 左手の為のピアノ協奏曲 op.149 Piano Concerto for Left Hand op.149 pf, orch Orchestra 2014-2015
11 未完の歌劇「MITSUKO」への2つの場面 op.198 2 scenes for unfinished opera “MITSUKO” op.196 sop, ten, alt, orch Orchestra, Vocal solo with or without instrument(s), Vocal ensemble 2019-2019
12 南への旅 op.82 Journey to the South 0p.82 wind-orch Wind orchestra 2005-2005
13 協奏曲 「ホトトギスの夜」 op.193 Concerto Lesser “cuckoo (Hottoggis) at night” op.193 vib, wind-orch Wind orchestra 2019-2019
14 白い岩山への行進第2番 op.67 Progress to the white rocky mountain No.2 op.67 fl, ob, cl, bn, hn, tpt, vn, vc, pf Medium ensemble (8-10 players) 2002-2002
15 旅について op.69 About the Travels op.69 fl, cl, ob, hn, tpt, vn, vc, bn, pf Medium ensemble (8-10 players) 2002-2002
16 南の小協奏曲 op.74 Concertino of the south op.74 fl, ob, cl, bn, hn, tpt, vn, vc, perc, pf Medium ensemble (8-10 players) 2003-2003
17 湖と空と風と op.106 Lake.Sky.Wind. op.106 tpt(2), hn(2), trbn(3), tub, db Medium ensemble (8-10 players) 2009-2009
18 単純な場所 第1番 op.12 A simple place No.1 op.12 hn(6) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1987-1987
19 夕焼け空 op.47 A sky aglow with the setting sun op.47 fl(2), a-fl, bass flute(2), contrabass flute Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2000-2000
20 半島の山 op.51 Mountains on the peninsula op.51 tpt(2), trbn(2) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2000-2000
21 海の笛、山の笛 op.70 Recorders of the sea and mountains op.70 alto recorder(2), tenor recorder, bass recorder Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2002-2003
22 上海の猫 op.72 “The Cat in Shanghai” op.72 fl, ob, cl, bn, hn Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2003-2003
23 樹の声 op.107 “Voice of the Trees” op.107 euph(5) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2009-2009
24 海流の巡る所2 op.102 “Where the Ocean Current Passes 2” op.102 fl, bn, vn, vc Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2008-2009
25 ヴァイオリンと打楽器の為の協奏曲 op.110 Concerto for Violin and Percussions op.110 vn, perc(3) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2009-2009
26 雪男の追跡 op.117 Tracing of the Yeti op.117 perc(4) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2010-2010
27 森林旅行 op.118 Travel in Forestlands op.118 perc(5) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2010-2010
28 組曲「島の植生と地質について」作品133 Suite for Recorder Ensemble op.133 recorder(6) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2013-2013
29 閣下そうよ 隔靴掻痒 op.175 Kakkasouyou op.175 pf-4hnds, pot(2) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2018-2018
30 バードの主題による弦楽四重奏曲 op.173 String quartet on themes by William Byrd op.173 vn(2), va, vc Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2018-2018
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year